Sultry calendar from Cabot firefighters raises $5,000 for Camp Sunshine

Sultry calendar from Cabot firefighters raises $5,000 for Camp Sunshine

Sultry calendar from Cabot firefighters raises $5,000 for Camp Sunshine

Yesterday morning, the Cabot Firefighter Calendar Association presented Camp Sunshine, a four-day residential retreat for pediatric burn survivors, with a $5,000 donation. The money was raised via a cheekily sultry calendar that features photos of Cabot Fire Department’s most muscular first responders.

Last year, the organization — which is now a nonprofit — sold around 500 copies, and this year they upped their game with nearly 750 sales. With the help of sponsorships that covered production costs, the group made nearly $30,000 in total. (Count the Arkansas Times newsroom among those satisfied customers. We especially adore August and November, although there’s just no way to pick a favorite.)

What’s the rest of that money going toward? Much of it will continue to fund fitness equipment for the squad (which has me a little concerned about how ultimately buff these already-very-buff gentleman are going to become!), but some of the money has also been set aside to help firefighters and their families with unforeseen emergencies.

If you can’t wait until next year and don’t mind getting your annual calendar in March, you can still purchase one online or in person at the Cabot Fire Department Central Station (1000 S. 2nd St.) for $25. Additionally, you can follow the Cabot Firefighter Calendar Association on Facebook and Instagram.



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