The latest development in the war on the Saline County Library might make you wonder if Saline County Republican Women have a few SCRWs loose.
Saline County Republican Women (SCRW) ask that you handle your guns responsibly at their library meeting(!)
A meeting announcement posted to their Facebook page is catching some negative attention. Bringing firearms to a library meeting? At least they’re asking that all gun slinging be done responsibly.
Their Facebook post brought to mind that famous guns+librarians clash in Cabot last year, when Moms for Liberty officer Missy Bosch famously mused about shooting a school librarian.
No harm, no foul, though. Bosch didn’t face criminal charges, and Moms for Liberty rides high. Arkansas Secretary of Education Jacob Oliva will be a featured speaker at the Moms For Liberty summer convention in Philadelphia next month.
News broke this week that former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who’s attempting to position himself as the sane alternative to Donald Trump in a race to claim the Republican presidential bid, will be on hand to rock the cradle of liberty, too.
Surprise! The sane alternative to Donald Trump might not be so sane, after all.
Remember that time Gov. Hutchinson vetoed a bill denying medical gender-affirming care to transgender youth? Just this week that call was vindicated, when a federal judge ruled the Arkansas bill went too far and violated civil rights.
We can appreciate Hutchinson’s careful conservative hot take below — that while he has his own ideas about all this, government shouldn’t make the calls — while also noting that Hutchinson will share the dais with two widely disrespected trans haters at the Philly event.
2. God created two genders and children should not be confused on this. But if there is confusion then parents — not the government — should guide the children.
— Gov. Asa Hutchinson (@AsaHutchinson) June 23, 2023
Hutchinson is scheduled for a Saturday, July 1, morning session with James Lindsay, who appears on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of shame for “general hate,” and Jaimee Michelle of Gays Against Groomers fame, who conflates gender-affirming care with Nazi experiments.
Maybe Hutchinson is aiming to be the voice of reason at the breakfast session. If so, we predict he’ll face a tough crowd.
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