Arkansas Times editors Rhett Brinkley and Lindsey Millar awarded music writing prize for chronicle of Vino’s

Arkansas Times editors Rhett Brinkley and Lindsey Millar awarded music writing prize for chronicle of Vino’s

Arkansas Times editors Rhett Brinkley and Lindsey Millar awarded music writing prize for chronicle of Vino’s

An oral history of Vino’s Brew Pub penned by former Arkansas Times editor Lindsey Millar and Arkansas Times food editor Rhett Brinkley scored first prize this year in the annual Association of Alternative Newsmedia’s awards for music journalism.

“Pizza, beer and punk: An oral history of Vino’s,” our cover story from February 2022, took top honors in the Music Writing category. Submissions from Nashville Scene took 2nd and 3rd place in the category, and the San Antonio Current scored an honorable mention.

Arkansas Times editor Austin Bailey accepts the award at the annual Association of Alternative Newsmedia Conference.

The piece, which you can read in its entirety here, covers the plucky landmark pizzeria at the corner of Seventh and Chester, teasing out the ways in which it became a hotbed for Little Rock’s music scene. Cheers, Lindsey and Rhett!

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