Cabot School District offers opportunity to test drive a school bus

Cabot School District offers opportunity to test drive a school bus

Cabot School District offers opportunity to test drive a school bus

CABOT, Ark. – Cabot School District officials gave others the opportunity to make the wheels on the bus go round and round.

The Cabot School District gave prospective applicants a chance to test drive a school bus at an event held Friday morning.

Arkansas school districts struggling to find bus drivers

The event served as a unique way to recruit new bus drivers due to a need for permanent and substitute drivers in the district.

One applicant said he applied to be a bus driver and went to the event to get prepared.

“It was a pretty good experience. I drive a trailer all the time, so it was almost like natural,” Eddie Withers said. “It’s not as bad as you think, you should try it.”

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Those interested in applying to be a bus driver can go to the district’s website.

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