Cabot mother & son thankful they’re a match for kidney transplant

Cabot mother & son thankful they’re a match for kidney transplant

Cabot mother & son thankful they’re a match for kidney transplant

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – One family in Cabot said they have a lot to be thankful for during the holidays as their son is scheduled to get a kidney transplant from his mother.

Kenneth Grantham said he was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy, which is a non-curable kidney disease, in February 2012.

“It was on my 20th birthday whenever I got the first scan,” Grantham said

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Grantham said he has been doing treatment and felt good for years. However, this year his kidneys became life-threatening, and a transplant was needed.

“I went from stage 3 to stage 5 now,” he said.

Grantham said 20 of his friends and family tested to be his donor. Ultimately, his mother, Karen Wright, was his match and was selected.

“It’s been very emotional,” she said.

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Wright said they had several setbacks for the transplant surgery due to medical reasons. However, a couple of weeks ago, Wrights said she and Grantham finally got the approval for the surgery in December.

“It was words you waited to hear for a long time,” Grantham said.

Wright said she didn’t think twice about being his donor.

“It’s something a mom does. Do you know people say, ‘How could you do that,’ and I say, ‘How could you not do that?’” she said. “It’s your kid, it’s what you’re supposed to do.”

Wright said after they found out Grantham was diagnosed she chose to become a nurse to further help.

“I just decided I was going to school and become a nurse so I could know what they were talking about,” she said.

She said she is thankful they can celebrate the holidays like Thanksgiving, and he can be with his son and soon-to-be wife.

“It’s made me slow down and appreciate things that I wouldn’t have happened,” Grantham said. “It’s made me and my mom closer and everyone in my family.”

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Despite all the hardships, Grantham said without his entire family he wouldn’t be able to smile.

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